Immigration policies : blackmail to deportation ?

Migreurop Workshop at FSMM Quito

8 OCTOBER 2010


FSMM Quito (Ecuador)

Migreurop Workshop :

« Immigration policies : blackmail to deportation ? »

Location : PUCE

Room : Auditorio 4, Torre 1

Workshop’s panel:

William Herrera (Union of Latin-American NGOs-France): Introduction - Immigration Policies or blackmail to deportation

Brigite Espuche (Migreurop): The European example: deportation policies

MarieDominique Aguillon (Cimade-France/Migreurop): Development policy: conditionality to deportations

Ousmanne Diarra
(AME-Mali/Migreurop): Resistances in Africa to the signature of the deportation agreements

Mauricio Valiente (CEAR-Spain/Migreurop): The Spanish example: differentiated relations towards Africa and Latin America

Colin Raja (Migrants Rights International-USA): The American example: deportation policies

Amarela Varela (Comité Promotor del Foro Mundial Alternativo de los Pueblos en Movimiento/Mexico): The Merida Plan, or the North american version of the border’s externalization in Mexico and Central America

Open debates and exchanges on examples of deportation policies and perspectives of transnational actions
